Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy January!! 1/16/2010 Meeting notes

Hi guys! This January we just had a central meeting and plan on scheduling an Eastern Shore meeting in February.

**I think this is everything but if you have something I missed or more information to clarify on something here please let me know- or leave a comment!

At our January meeting Russell was kind enough to bring out all his photo equipment to take new head shots for badges so we have a little bit more of a uniform, professional look. Gayle, the rock star, again, opened her hope up to our group and had a lovely spread of goodies for us to enjoy. Thanks to everyone who brought snacks and drinks too.

**Dues are Due! Contact Dawn to find out the amount and where they can be sent.

We enjoyed some snacks and got into our meeting. The big announcement is that MSGH is now a circuit group for Everyday Paranormal Maryland and even more specifically, our President, Rodney, is the Director of State Operations for EP MD. The EPMD team is made up of the elite group of team members from MSGH who have put forth the effort to become certified as well as contribute to the group with their own talents on a regular basis. EPMD also includes Circuit Groups in Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The website is still being constructed but you can preview it here-

Another announcement that was made is the formation of a Board of Directors for MSGH. The 6 selected members will be announced in an e-mail coming out shortly. The 6 members will aide Rodney in making important decisions that effect the group.

It sounded like we had a nice turn out at the Bill Bean book signing Friday night and that it was an interesting event!

An investigation for February 6th has been set up. Check your e-mail for information to come.

*A reminder was made to review the rules and protocol which can be found in the Files section of the yahoo group. We've had a few instances recently of some members not quite following these guidelines. Also, to clarify, you can certainly attend events put on by other groups. We just ask you let MSGH know about the event in case other members might also want to attend. We also ask that if you are involved in another group that you are upfront about this when you join and that you consider the effort and involvement you can give MSGH.

Rodney let the group know that each meeting will have a particular theme/topic that will be presented and discussed. This will help meetings become more informative and formatted.

This months topic was presented by Lynda, our groups spirit medium (link on the right!) She discussed protection with the group and why it is important. It was something I'd never thought of personally, so the presentation was very interesting. Before going into an investigation it is critical to take a moment and focus on what you are going into, not just equipment, structurally and case wise but with your own energies and awareness. For each person it is different because it needs to be based on what your own beliefs are. Some people carry crosses, holy water or grounding stones while others simply say a prayer or focus their energies and put up a shield of white light of protection. These acts will put an investigator into the right state of mind and can prevent a mental, physical or spiritual attack that an entity may attempt in the case of unprotected investigators.

It is also important to take a moment to release or leave anything that may be wanting to attach itself to you before you leave an investigation. Parasitic entities can cling to negativity and come home with you so to speak. For moments before entering and leaving an investigation protection is an important thing to remember for all members. Lynda suggested the idea of taking a moment as a group. This is a good idea because often times there may be a member who didn't have the time or it simply slipped their mind. As a group we can take the time together to ensure everyone's well being. But something to consider also is that whatever form your protection takes it may not be what others believe and therefor does them no good. Because beliefs are so individual mine cannot protect someone else if they don't open themselves up to it/believe it will work for them and vice versa.

Overall it was a very productive meeting with a lot of great information. Do you have any suggestions for topics you'd like to see covered in future meetings? Do you have an idea for an investigation but don't want to contact them? And again, If I've forgotten something or haven't quite clarified something please let me know by e-mail or leaving a comment!!

Til Later-

P.S. Don't forget just 2 more months til Epic Con. Get your tickets and your rooms booked now!! Link on the right side.



Founder and President: Rodney Whitaker

Font: Creeper

Layout: Chedderfish with help from Sutrannu