Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2/20 Meeting Minutes

Hello! As promised here are the minutes from the central meeting from 2/20. They are also posted on the blog

**I think this is everything but if you have something I missed or more information to clarify on something here please let me know- or leave a comment!

From the recording it sounded like a big turn out. Glad the new members Angel and her mother could join us. Welcome back Duane too! Other members in attendance include Rodney, Dawn, Tina, Gayle, Lynda, Carol, Russell (Those were the voices I could make out! Please let me know if I missed you!!)

**Dues are Due by Sunday, February 28th. Anyone who has not notified Dawn, or who does not send in their dues, will be removed from the group. Please, if you have any problem paying the dues, send DAWN an email ( We, don't want to lose interested people, but we do want to weed out those who do not participate in the group in any way. Again, if you have a concern or question, please feel free to contact Dawn ( , but please do so ASAP.
**Dues are Due! Contact Dawn to find out the amount and where they can be sent.

The Grain Mill investigation has been moved to March 6th. Please let Dawn/Rodney know if you plan on attending so they can get an estimated head count.

Several places were discussed for workshops and even possible ghost tours which would be used as training and fund raising events. (I won't list them directly but there are several possibilities in the works) If you have a suggestion please don't be afraid to contact one of the board members about it so someone can get to work on it.

Speaking of the board, at the meeting being held this week the opportunity of a group will be discussed. There is a cost involved of $12 a month for 6 months (one $72 payment), $1/pm for 3 months ($45 payment) or a $19/pm month to month plan which the board will discuss and vote on.

Brochures and fliers are being designed for the upcoming conferences!!

It was requested that these minutes be e-mailed to the group instead of just posted to the blog and that the links to all of our various communication areas be included at the bottom! If you're on the blog just click meetings under the "click to see" on the left to see only the meeting notes from past meetings.

Equipment sales can be listed on the yahoo group for members in case your looking to sell/buy gently used equipment. A new section has also been added to the forum which is open to non-MSGH members to post sales as well which may also encourage networking. A special microphone attachment for digital recorders is available with prices all around $5 maximum, which amplifies the recording quality amazingly and has been tested by a few members.

Yahoo group note- don't forget to set your email setting to individual e-mail or at least check the yahoo group regularly. Digest e-mails can become overwhelming and it may be possibly to miss something or miss out on an investigation that fills up.

Please remember that there is a deadline of 2 weeks after an investigation to turn in your reviewed evidence to Rodney. We understand people are busy but he needs your information in order to make a fully informed report to the clients. Even if you did not get anything of note, let Rodney know so he doesn't wait to deliver the information to the client.

Workshops will be set up for training on equipment. There will be private ones for MSGH members apart from the fund raising ones. These workshops will help members learn how to set up the equipment and be prepared for investigations.

Multiple dates will will possibly be set up for really great investigation spots so we can make sure to include as many members as possible. We want to make sure that no one misses out.

There are two conferences coming up! All the information can be found here-
After each of these events members are welcome to post their experiences/ reviews to the yahoo group or discuss them at the meetings. This will help keep the group informed and encourage members to participate at such events.

Future events that include a cost will require deposits. If you cancel after your payment is made your deposit will only be returned if someone can be found to fill your spots.

The Shanley investigation in north New York state (NOT Stanley in Colorado) is full now. Room assignments will be reviewed and if you're looking to carpool let the yahoo group know! Alan will be the equipment manager for this investigation and will co-ordinate with MD Tri State Paranormal

MSGH apparel can be found here-

There is a new training facility in Harper's Ferry, WV! The Booth house was converted into a museum/training facility. Here's what I could find with just a quick search but if you have more info please feel free to share with the group!

The rest of the meeting was used to talk about personal experiences and review some previous evidence.

EP News- The logo still isn't quite ready and therefore shirts are also not yet available with the Maryland specific logo. If your interested in purchasing a shirt with the standard logo those can be found here (except they are currently on hold right now while they get out the overwhelming number of orders they have, check back!) -

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Founder and President: Rodney Whitaker

Font: Creeper

Layout: Chedderfish with help from Sutrannu